Saturday, March 30, 2013

There Is NO Excuse

I have spent the majority of my life running from what God wants me to do.

Obey his word? Nah, I will do what I want
Share the hope I have with others?  I'm not ready
Give to the church?  Sure, when I get more money
Serve? I don't know of ways to serve
Get to know him more?  Don't have time
Fast? Nah
Care for widows and orphans?  That doesn't apply to me

Terrible excuses.  TERRIBLE! 

Lately I have been thinking about what it means for me to follow Jesus.
And what my life would look like if I abandoned myself only to him.

I have used being in treatment and my life being in chaos as an excuse. Terrible excuse, I might add.  Last night at Secret Church, the Lord convicted me.  
Heaven is too great and Hell far too terrible for me to stay this way.  Eternity is at stake.  

The time is now. Obedience is no longer optional.  To love God is to obey him.

"If you love me, you will keep my commandments" -John 14:15 

(nowhere does that say "obey the commandments that are convenient or that you feel like obeying")

As a single lady, I have nothing but time.  I want to give this time away. My single life really does matter. That is something I have refused to believe. I want to store up treasures in Heaven. 

 Lord, rid me of this selfish heart and please don't let me waste my singleness.

“I have one desire now - to live a life of reckless abandon for the Lord, putting all my energy and strength into it.” 
-Elisabeth Elliott